Jay Kosa

Backyard Confidential
Notes from inside the backyard habitat certification process

Fieldbook Crawls Out for Spring
Our first edition of our 2018 Fieldbook magazine is now out!

Weathering the Storm
Climate resilience guides the Land Trust’s conservation agenda.

An Unlikely Story
Jenny Bruso, self-identified fat, femme, queer, writer, and hiker, is challenging the outdoor world.

It’s All About Trust
Columbia Land Trust earns national recognition for its strong commitment to public trust and conservation excellence

Conservation Report: 2017-2018
Our latest report shows, in vivid detail, all the ways you make a difference when you support Columbia Land Trust.

Fieldbook Digs In
Our final edition of Fieldbook rounds out 2017 with stories from the field.

Species Spotlight: River Otter
Learn about the North American river otter (Lontra canadensis), a fixture on healthy river systems throughout the lower Columbia River region.