Species Spotlight: Flammulated Owl
Learn more about the cup-sized flammulated owl that lives in the western US

Species Spotlight: Oregon Slender Salamander
Learn about the elusive Oregon Slender Salamander, endemic to the West Cascades of northern Oregon

Species Spotlight: Pollinators of the Pacific Northwest
There's always room to learn more about bees. Here's a 101 on our region's primary pollinators.

Species Spotlight: Snowy Owl
Learn about snowy owls (Bubo scandiacus), striking and mysterious interlopers from the Arctic.

Species Spotlight: Moles
Moles are the bane of tidy lawns owners and golf course keepers, but these unloved critters offer more than meets the eye.

Fieldbook Digs In
Our final edition of Fieldbook rounds out 2017 with stories from the field.

Species Spotlight: River Otter
Learn about the North American river otter (Lontra canadensis), a fixture on healthy river systems throughout the lower Columbia River region.

Species Spotlight: Marbled murrelet
The imperiled marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) is a cup-sized, coastal bird that few people have had the opportunity to observe. Columbia Land Trust has conserved more than 1,600 acres of tidal wetlands and old-growth forests along Washington’s Long Beach Peninsula and Willapa Bay in hopes that the small populations of marbled murrelets remaining will find…
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