[Guest Story] Watching the Backyard
A backyard habitat member shares his joy of restoring habitat as a retired ecologist struggling with a recent illness, and the power gardens can have on young minds.

Backyard Continued
The Backyard Habitat Certification Program announces its expansion into more area of Clackamas County.

Backyard Confidential
Notes from inside the backyard habitat certification process

Beyond the Backyard
Portland communities are making more time and space for nature.

The Good of Leaves
Backyard Habitat program manager Susie Peterson wants to save us from laborious fall and winter yard work, while benefiting wildlife and strengthening our gardens and natural areas.

6 Tips for Your Winter Backyard Habitat
How to care for backyard wildlife this winter season.

Meet Susie Peterson
Columbia Land Trust is excited to introduce Susie Peterson as its new Backyard Habitat Certification Program manager (BHCP). Together with our partners at Audubon Society of Portland, she’s excited to lead the continued growth and impact of the transformative program. Communications manager Jay Kosa sat down with Susie to chat about her background.