The People Behind the Backyard Habitat Certification Program
Helping Urban and Suburban Gardeners Create Natural Habitats for Wildlife

A Place to Call Home
Danielle Miles creates an unexpected habitat for the Oregon Slender Salamander

Metro and Cleveland High School Get Backyard Habitat Certified
Gaylen Beatty pays her BHCP knowledge and experience forward.

The Backyard Habitat Certification Program Has A Record-breaking Year
High enrollment and a 2019 expansion into Washington and Clark counties is keeping the BHCP on its toes.

Our Winter 2018 Fieldbook is now out!
This issue centers our relationships with people, place, and purpose.

The Muse: Rethinking Conservation
Community Engagement Manager Rahul Devaskar works on establishing new styles of conservation at the Land Trust

Backyard Habitat heads Downtown
Edith Green-Wendell Wyatt Federal Building earns Silver Backyard Habitat Certification

Planting Zen Volunteer Day
Roll up your sleeves alongside the Land Trust's Emerging Leaders Council at NE Portland's Dharma Rain Zen Center for a day of backyard habitat restoration.