Jay Kosa

Changes on the Grays
Author and ecologist Robert Michael Pyle offers an introduction to his home waters, the Grays River.

Jump-Starting a Coastal Forest
The Land Trust is improving habitat and contributing to a green economy through piloting restoration forest on the coast

Answers in the Trees
Understanding the role of Northwest forests in tackling climate change

Lacamas Lake Trail Vision Takes Shape
By conserving 87 acres along the north shore of Lacamas Lake, our partners at the City of Camas are rounding out a 30-year vision to build a landmark recreation resource in Southwest Washington.

Wildboy Creek Conserved
Columbia Land Trust conserves 1,300 acres of forestland to remove 55-foot dam and free Wildboy Creek in partnership with Cowlitz Indian Tribe

Look to Nature
Nature can be a companion and a source of peace and perspective in the days ahead.

Trading Forested Places
Columbia Land Trust is spearheading an innovative pilot program to bolster southern Washington’s rural forest economy and further conservation of old forests.

In the News: South Tongue Point Offers Opportunity
Recent coverage in the Astorian highlights how the Land Trust's partnership with Clatsop Community College will bring environmental, education, and in time, employment benefits to the North Coast.