2014 Conservation & Restoration Program Report
The report highlights Columbia Land Trust's recent accomplishments and looks forward to the future of conservation and stewardship in the Columbia River region.

Conservation & Restoration ReportWe at Columbia Land Trust are proud to release our Conservation & Restoration Program Report, which details our recent successes in conservation and restoration in 2014, along with pending land acquisitions and upcoming stewardship efforts.

This year’s report bears special relevance as it coincides with Columbia Land Trust’s 25th anniversary. The lands and projects discussed in the report represent the culmination of  a quarter-century’s worth of collaboration, hard work and commitment to one of the world’s most amazing places.

In its first seven years, the Land Trust grew slowly, conserving just 150 acres of land. But each year provided us with the foundation to conserve more land, gain more supporters, and devote more energy and enthusiasm. Today  we have conserved more than 27,000 acres of great Pacific Northwest lands. We have restored thousands of these acres resulting in measurable improvement for fish and wildlife. We are laying the groundwork for tens of thousands of additional acres to be conserved and restored. Together, with supporters like you, we’re building a lasting legacy in the Northwest.

The report also offers an overview of the Land Trust’s conservation planning process, the method by which the organization decides which areas within its ecologically diverse service area to conserve and restore. This effort, which will guide conservation activities through 2025, demonstrates the Land Trust’s commitment to both sound science and a spirit of collaboration with local landowners and communities.

Download the full Report.